16th Annual Youth Court Summit

Katherine Lucero, Director of the Office of Community and Youth Restoration (OCYR), Lucero, a former Santa Clara judge, was recently appointed as part of the state of California's redesign of its juvenile justice system. Initiated by Senate Bill 823, OYCR is redesigning the former juvenile system, closing state youth prisons in favor of local rehabilitation services. OYCR’s mission is to promote statewide trauma-responsive, culturally informed, and gender respectful services for youth involved in the juvenile justice system that supports youths’ successful transition into adulthood.

Dr. Elizabeth Cauffman, Professor in the Department of Psychological Science at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Cauffman received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Temple University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Center on Adolescence at Stanford University. She is passionate about youth and limiting the use of life without parole as a sentence for juveniles. Join us on June 25th to learn more about Arrested Development: Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice Cauffman Takes the Presidential Reigns

Scott Martin, International Youth Justice
Scott Martin practiced landscape architecture for 20 years before becoming a professional mediator and international trainer. He is the Global Partnerships Manager for Mediators Beyond Borders International, where he has also been a co-leader for the Rwanda Project and co-founder of the Peace Conversation Facilitation (PCF) Program.

Dr. Christopher Menendez, Legal Advocacy for Youth.
Dr. Christopher Mendez is a Restorative Facilitator and Youth Advocate for the Legal Rights Center. He has an extensive professional background in naval military security, retail management, work in higher education, refugee case management for trauma-informed minors, and much more. He received his Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Nova Southeastern University.

Joe Brummer, Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools
Joe Brummer specializes in nonviolent communications and trauma-informed practices.

Don Carney, Youth Transforming Justice: A Youth Led Movement to End the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Stop Mass Incarceration and Provide Equitable Justice for All
Attendees will learn how Youth Transforming Justice used the tools of Critical Pedagogy and Participatory Action Research to craft a youth driven restorative trauma-informed process where young people’s agency is respected, and trauma is healed not punished and learn how to replicate the Youth Transforming Justice model.

Claudia Bracho is a gang interventionist for the Urban Peace Institute, working to create safer communities in Los Angeles. Throughout her career, she has been focused on providing services for Black and Latino youth and gang-involved adults, helping them break the cycle of violence and incarceration. Claudia holds a B.A. from California State University, Dominguez Hills and is currently pursuing a M.A. in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peace building from California State University, Dominguez Hills.

Marquita Campbell holds a B.A., Political Science, Masters in Dispute Resolution, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine University, Caruso School of Law, and a certificate in Tools of Mindful Awareness from Straus Institute. She created a four-state regional wellness program for the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service Region X, and served as Program Director. Ms. Campbell is the founder and Executive Director of Chrysalis Conflict Transformation which is dedicated to navigating conflict for productive, sustainable outcomes. She is an Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Mindfulness Coach, and Forgiveness Coach with over 20 years of experience training, facilitating, and program development.

Ubuntu, An African Leadership Model, Tina Coil and Julie Alli
African leadership philosophy focuses on community, solidarity, sharing, and caring. It promotes cooperation between individuals, cultures, and nations. The focus is on WE rather than me.

Communication: How Can Dialogue be Used to Communicate, Define, and Redesign Youth Justice. David Ervin and Thomas Salmon
Learn about different communication styles, their significance, and how dialogue can be used to increase communication and problem-solving.