The California Association of Youth Courts (CAYC) —a network of over 70 youth courts in California—is committed to improving the lives of youth who have made a mistake that has brought them to the juvenile justice system. Taking a restorative justice focus, youth court volunteers help teen offenders be accountable for their actions, reflect on their poor choices, and commit to repairing the damage they may have caused. Rather than taking a punitive approach, youth courts facilitate the restoration of family, school and community relationships. Youth courts train young volunteers to be jurors, attorneys, court staff, mentors, and case managers for youth offenders.
Adult volunteers assist with court proceedings, case management and as mentors. Additionally, advocates can provide meaningful community service and educational projects for youth and offer speaking opportunities in schools, businesses and community groups.
Your gift of time helps to provide counseling, academic tutoring and other services that a youth might need, whether they enter the program as a volunteer or as an offender. CAYC regularly provides training for schools and communities wanting to start or expand a youth court. CAYC holds an annual Youth Summit for participants to network, learn ways to improve their local program, and gain training in such topics as mediation, truancy, and adolescent brain development. The Summit is funded at low or no cost to the participants.
Become a Volunteer or Advocate
• Youth juror, bailiff or advocate
• Sitting judges and practicing attorneys as coaches and hearing facilitators
• Adult Case Managers
• Provide interesting and educational community service projects for youth
• Offer speaking opportunities about Youth Courts
Please note how you would like to participate and check Volunteer or Advocate.